4. Some community building related suggestions

Written by the Phezzan team

A. Timing & Frequency:

- Make sure to pick posts that have good times;

- Make sure we are raiding posts that are fresh (less than 2 hours old).


Yes we are trying to do that.

(1) Phezzan protocol Twitter is operated by Jack and Roland. We live in the same time zone so we will miss some opportunities. This will change in the future when we have more team members.

(2) Roland has a time-consuming personal engagement from April 10th to April 19th so did not spend much time on Twitter. Please expect more Phezzzan Twitter activities in the future.

B. Raid Post Content:

- Make sure to ask folks to post visuals (e.g., GIFS, memes). Tweets get 55% more engagement with visual elements than those without.

- Make sure language is kept simple (most people don't know what WEB3.0 is);

- We need channels here (or Google Disc) with proven texts and pictures that are possible to use to promote the project.


About visuals, we are currently reorganizing our contributor rules. New rules will be up for discussion in the next few days and decided before testnet launch. There will be rewards for creating visuals.

The Phezzan team is not native English speakers so yeah our language is simple.

When Phezzan Protocol is big enough, we will have media kits. But for now the team is putting all energy to Phezzan testnet and then mainnet V1. We believe a good product is more important than any marketing. Due to our limited resources and time, the Phezzan team simply does not have the time. This Medium article is somewhat relevant: https://blog.cryptostars.is/why-no-phezzan-token-till-pmf-weekly-update-7-7be2830a9084

C. Community Engagement:

- Ask people to engage with other tweets to boost them up (in a genuine way!)


No we don't do that. We prefer natural growth from a good product over marketing hypes. You can check out this post for a detailed answer: https://learn.phezzan.xyz/phezzan-academy/random-thoughts-from-the-phezzan-team/9.-why-not-organize-some-social-media-campaign-and-give-out-roles

D. Target Accounts & Audience:

- Pick raid targets that have a significant following and have high genuine community engagement

- We should pick accounts that will get us the highest member acquisition. Meaning, will this post put the project in front of people who will: a) contribute; b) collaborate; c) promote the project!


(1) Yes Phezzan Twitter will do more shitposting when Roland has more time.

(2) We don't really care about "highest member acquisition", or else we wouldn't ask new members to answer 5 questions. The team is building Phezzan Protocol for a world that we believe in, for people in the future to love, and for a journey that we won't regret when we get old.

General thoughts:

The team really appreciates your suggestions although they seem applicable to all protocols. We will make mistakes, we will do stupid things, and we will disappoint some people. In the end, the Phezzan team wants to make something people want, something the team and our Discord members can be proud of.

Last updated